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As most of you know, 18 years ago I was broke, 9 months pregnant and clueless.

I had a dream to be a mumpreneur and to give my children the best of the best… with NOTHING but faith and goodwill I stayed home and ran a brand new agency, refunding lost money to people, I raised my children as a hands on 7 days at home mother, today that baby that I was pregnant with when I started my journey into being a mumpreneur has graduated from Northholm Grammar one of the most prestigious schools in Sydney, but that’s not my proudest moment, my proudest moment is seeing what an amazing leader and genuinely brilliant congruent human being I have raised.

Well done Northholm class of 2017, may god bless every one of you on the new journey you are about to embark on!

Today was one of my proudest moments! ?

I think raising a generation of great people is critical for us all, they don’t have to be your children for you to want to see genuine, ethically sound, smart youth coming into our society- because they are the future of our world and its those exceptional kids that will define the world we live in 20 years from now.

This is why I decided to become a mumpreneur, because raising sound human beings is the most critical job we all have, yet in our dog eat dog world we forget what’s really important- but I don’t believe that you ever need to sacrifice lifestyle or income in order to raise your kids hands on 24/7, I believed you can have it all- by being mindful, congruent and strategic.

I have since proven its possible, every year for 18 years now. ?

I think being faithful to an ideal is your first key and having a strong enough ‘why’ is your second key, but those two keys are worthless without a sound strategy in place- and a solid business model in place that allows you both time & income to bring about what you most desire in your world.

This is what Create is all about, assisting people on their journey towards their own version of wonderful. It is my privilege to be able to serve people who are genuine in their search for real options, so they can realize their life’s goals.

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