Most of us have an excuse which holds us back. You know the ones. Not enough money, not enough time, can’t get the right business, blah, blah, blah. But if they were real barriers then nobody who was busy or broke would achieve success, would they? I mean, both the homeless and Bill Gates have 24 hours in the day and everyone started from point ZERO.
So what is it that really determines our level of success?
It can only be one thing…Our habits. For instance, while I do have to work and have achieved a certain level of personal success which I could only dream of several years ago, the biggest issue I talk about to my friends is not having enough time. But let’s face it, I have the same amount of time as Bill Gates and Richard Branson. I’ve got certain habits which I need to change. Probably my biggest habit is spending too much time helping other people build their own businesses and not enough time on my own (because I enjoy it so much).I encourage you to hop down to your local coffee shop today with a notebook. Draw a line down the middle of the page. On one side write good habits and on the other side write bad habits.
Own it, work through it, plan and action.
Own it; yes, own your good, your bad and your ugly. self-awareness and total ownership is the first step towards being your authentic self.
Work through it; If you are aware of habits, thought or actions that do not serve you, consistently work through them. don’t skim over it, don’t bullshit yourself… keep accountable, work THROUGH IT. this is a game you play alone. and only you win by reducing that which holds you back & growing that that nurtures your sucess.
Planning doesn’t have to be complex, or time consuming…. I put words to paper and once written ,I action. I prefer not to over think it, action trumps all.
Here is where winners live, here is where success resides. ACTION. its everything. its where you get shit done! So be always taking action. you see people who take constant fast action win in the game of life. Not because they succeed 100% of the time…nah, because if they take 5 decisive actions each day towards their vision that’s 25 actions a week, and if only 10 of those are successful they are far ahead of the pack. You see people who are fearful to act, don’t move towards their goals at all… they analysis, over think, research and very rarely act, by then momentum is lost and failure is more of a possibility. I have personally trained myself to have very little time between thinking it and doing it- i have a phrase I use often ‘ think-act’ the closer the distance between thinking it and doing it the more chance I get at success.