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Jan 2020, Create CEO Skiing At Filzmoos Today, With Really Good Snow And Great Austrian Hospitality

After skiing, its sauna and massage followed by Austrian dinner.

This winter holiday has been amazing, entering Europe 5 weeks ago via Switzerland, we slowly made our way into Austria- visiting Italy, Germany, and Prague before driving onto Austria- first Vienna then onto the snow Fields of Filz Moos.

Soon I will be leaving to head into Slovenia.

What’s even better than enjoying a 5 week winter holiday is the fact that it’s been done while running our fully portable, business managed fully from a trusty iPhone.

“True freedom = living your best life while earning an income that’s fully portable.”

20 years ago, I chose to say STOP to working in a j.o.b which for me stood for Just Over Broke.

Instead, I clarified what I really REALLY WANTED FROM LIFE. I decided to choose a life where when I switched off my laptop I was on holiday and when I switched it back on I was at work, I created this lifestyle in a recession-proof, no sales no pressure ultra lucrative niche industry business.

I made my own profession and as a result, made tens of millions while trotting the globe for over 20 years now.

This is no short term success, on my journey I taught others liberating them from the shackles of the Status Quo.

I believe my desire for Freedom was so strong, that life had no option but to deliver.

I view life as a game, a mental game mostly of will over matter. I don’t believe for a second you need to be smart or gifted.

I believe its a question of desire…

If a public school-educated chick like me can get it all anyone with a will can.

Create Business Refund Specialist System CEO & Founder